Graduated Sanctions

The Lee Day Report Center operates with a system that of imposes graduated sanctions for violations of day report center rules including, but not limited to failure to comply with LDRC rules, not participating in required programming, and continued use of controlled substances or alcohol. Clients who commit violations are subject to one or more of the following graduated sanctions:

  • Written reprimand placed in your file.
  • Written reprimand with imposition of sanctions such as additional community service hours, written report and/or oral presentation concerning a topic chosen by LDRC staff. A copy of the reprimand will be sent to the prosecuting attorney, your probation/parole officer and/or home incarceration officer. 
  • Written reprimand with notice of the violation sent to the prosecuting attorney, your probation/parole officer and/or home incarceration requesting that you be taken back before the court which sentenced you to the LDRC.
  • Dismissal from the LDRC program. A letter will be sent to the judge or magistrate, prosecuting attorney, your probation/parole officer and/or home incarceration advising of your dismissal from the program and requesting that your alternative sentence to the LDRC be revoked and that you be required to serve your underlying jail or prison sentence.

Even though the above sanctions are listed in order of severity, if your first violation is severe in nature then you could be dismissed from the program without first having had a less severe sanction imposed.  If the violation involves an incident on the van, you will lose your privilege to ride the van and you will be required to find your own way to and from the LDRC.

Those clients who are in the Drug/DUI Court program will have their daily activities reported to the referring court during their regularly scheduled court appearances.